Fine Distractions

This is a stress bull. That is all.

Wound up like a top, I didn’t sleep much last night.

Oh, but I needed to. I had to be up at 4 a.m. and on a 4:49 a.m. train bound for Grand Central.

The fates were somewhat kind. Despite my exhaustion, I didn’t struggle to stay awake during today’s Hunt Scanlon conference. Plus, each time I was outside — walking to and from the train in Greenwich and New York — the rain held off.

Overall, it was a good day. But it was also a day of juggling lots of things. It’s nice to be such a popular, I suppose.

With this popularity came glimpses of hope. Hope is so dangerous. So lethal. But it’s also positivity, if you will. Yet, I’m a realist so I’m potentially excited about some things but also tentative because nothing is in stone.

After a while, these nuggets — the dangling carrots — need to either be real or go away.

To that extent, some of it is what kept me awake last night.

I was initially tossing and turning. Then I slept a little. Then I was wide awake.

Then I was on the couch. Then I slept a bit.

Then I was awake and figuring that my alarm time was approaching.

It was 3:40 a.m. I still had 20 minutes.

I went back to bed and got a few more minutes of sleep.

And that was it. As I alluded to, I walked to the train station, made it to the Harvard Club, hosted the conference, walked back to the train, and walked back home.

Then Sean and I did a few things around town.

And all of that hope plays on my mind.

Now, I’m sitting on the couch and I’m ready to fall asleep. I’ll likely miss some of Game 1 of the NBA Finals. I’m watching the Yankees as I write.

Since this has an “off the bench” feel to it of being about random items, let me flash back to yesterday’s post. It was one of those that I put a lot of thought into before I published. I let it go for a few hours.

I decided it needed to be said. That’s it. I’m not going to go on about it otherwise.

But people were kind. Thank you. I often worry those posts reflect poorly on me.

And so we move on.

There are so many things going on tonight that it’s not worth dwelling on.

I’ll be putting the headset back on this weekend, as I call these four New Jersey lacrosse championships:

– 11:00am – Group 3 Boys lax final – Ridge @ Moorestown

– 1:00pm – Group 3 Girls lax final -Chatham @ Moorestown

– 3:00pm – Group 4 Girls lax final –  Kingsway @ Morristown

– 5:00pm – Group 4 Boys lax final – Eastern @ Westfield

So I’m staying busy.

And that’s a good thing.

Now, I have to edit Hanratty’s Huddle, the podcast that everyone should be listening to. Somehow, last week’s show didn’t get posted. So it will be 2-for-1 tonight!

Lastly, I talked about yesterday on the radio, but allow me to say it here. Thank you to the brave souls who made the ultimate sacrifice on this day in 1944. I can’t imagine what it was like to listen to the coverage of D-Day on the radio and I certainly can’t imagine what it was like to be there.

But, as a nation, we should all be eternally grateful.

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